

аттестат аккредитации № RA.RU.11НА27,RA.RU.21НС54,RA.RU.21НУ14





TR CU 011/2011 Elevator safety
来源: | 作者:pmtef1337 | 发布时间: 2019-06-20 | 2119 次浏览 | 分享到:
Технический регламент Таможенного союза 011/2011 – это единые требования к лифтовым конструкциям, их отдельным составляющим и устройствам безопасности, используемым на территории ЕАЭС. Основная цель документа заключается в защите людей и в обеспечении производства, поставок и продажи лифтов на рынках ТС.

The Technical Regulation of the customs union TR CU 011/2011 Elevator safety set mandatory requirements that are applied to the elevators and elevator safety equipment in order to protect life, health, property and to prevent misleading actions against consumers.

The TR CU 011/2011 should ensure the uniform application and enforcement of the requirements for lifts in the territory of the customs union as well as the free movement of goods.

In accordance with the technical requirements of TR CU 011/2011, elevators must be designed, produced and installed in such a way as to ensure safety during the intended life.

Adopted on October 18, 2011
Came into force on February 15, 2013

Until 15 November 2013, elevators could be put on the market in if they complied with the national standards of the member states of the customs union, such as TR or GOST.

The elevators which were put into operation before TR CU 011/2011 came into force and which have not exceeded the approved service life must be reconciled with the requirements of the Technical Regulation.

Application area of TR CU 011/2011

The TR CU 011/2011 applies to all elevators and elevators safety devices intended for use in member states of the customs union, including:

  • shock absorbers
  • receivers
  • speed monitors
  • closures for shaft doors
  • safety hydraulic valve

TR CU 011/2011 does not include the elevators:

  • in the mining and coal industries
  • on ship and other floating vehicles
  • on platforms for offshore exploration and drilling
  • on airplanes and aircraft
  • with rack and pinion jack mechanisms
  • specifically for military purposes

The conformity assessment process

The conformity assessment with the requirements of the TR CU 011/2011 Elevator safety is carried out in the form of a compulsory EAC Certification

The EAC Certification for elevators and elevator safety equipment is carried out by an accredited body.

The conformity assessment of an elevator before its commissioning takes place in the form of the EAC Declaration on the basis of its own documentation and with the involvement of an accredited body.

Accompanying documents

The supporting documents must be submitted in Russian or in the official language of the Member State of the Customs Union. The accompanying documents include:

  • instruction manual
  • data sheet
  • assembly drawing
  • electrical circuit with list of elements
  • hydraulic plan
  • copy of the conformity assessment of the elevator or elevator safety device
  • copy of the quality management system certificate

EAC Kennzeichnung:

TR ZU 011/2011 Über die Sicherheit von Aufzügen

The elevators and the elevator safety devices, which have been confirmed to conform with the requirements of TR CU 011/2011, are to be marked with the EAC marking of the Customs Union. The marking itself must be affixed directly to the product or to the corresponding shipping documents.

The EAC mark is to be installed in such a way as to ensure a sharp and clear recognition throughout the lifespan of the elevator or elevator safety device.

The following information must also be attached to the elevator:

  • manufacturer name
  • trademark
  • elevator's ID-number
  • year of manufacture

Period of validity of the EAC Certificate

The validity of the EAC declaration for elevators and elevator safety devices is 5 years and can be renewed by the body responsible for the initial accreditation.

TR CU 011/2011 Elevator safety in the Russian language

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