

аттестат аккредитации № RA.RU.11НА27,RA.RU.21НС54,RA.RU.21НУ14





TR CU 010/2011 On safety of machinery and equipment
来源: | 作者:pmtef1337 | 发布时间: 2019-06-20 | 2867 次浏览 | 分享到:
Технический регламент ТР ТС 010/2011 «О безопасности машин и оборудования» был подготовлен и принят, чтобы унифицировать обязательные требования, предъявляемые ко всем процессам жизненного цикла (от проектирования и изготовления до утилизации и гарантий свободного перемещения) машин или оборудования, выпускаемых в обращение на единой таможенной территории государств-членов ТС.

The Technical Regulation TR CU 010/2011 On safety of machinery and equipment stipulates minimum requirements for the safety of machinery and equipment during their entire lifecycle: during their design, manufacture, installation, storage, transport, commissioning, operation, decommissioning, and disposal. The focus is on protecting life, health, property and the environment.

Compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation TR CU 010/2011 On safety of machinery and equipment is a prerequisite for successful access to the Russian and Eurasian market.

Although the requirements of the Technical Regulation TR CU 010/2011 have been coordinated with the requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, they are not identical.

Adopted on October 18, 2011
Came into force on February 15, 2013

On March 15, 2015, the Technical Regulation TR CU 010/2011 rendered the national standards of the technical regulation such as GOST or Russian TR invalid.

Area of application of TR CU 010/2011 On safety of machinery and equipment

The Technical Regulation TR CU 010/2011 applies to machines and equipment. According to the Technical Regulation TR ZU 010/2011, machines or equipment is

a series of continuous parts or components assembled for a concrete application (e.g. processing, transporting or packaging) into an overall unit, at least one of which is driven by a power source through corresponding driving mechanisms, control chains.

In addition equipment intended for use in industries with increased dangers is subject to conformity assessment under Technical Regulation TR ZU 010/2011.

Used machines as well as components/ spare parts do not fall under any EAC conformity assessments.

Conformity assessment process

The conformity assessment with the requirements of TR CU 010/2011 On safety of machinery and equipment is carried out in the form of an EAC Certification or EAC Declaration.

The EAC certification of machinery and equipment is carried out by an accredited certification body.

The conformity assessment of machinery and equipment prior to commissioning in the form of an EAC Declaration is based on own evidence and with the involvement of an accredited body.

Upon request, the EAC Declaration can be replaced by an EAC Certification.

Accompanying documents

The accompanying documents for the conformity assessment of machinery and equipment shall be submitted in Russian language or in the official language of the member state of the customs union and should include:

According to TR CU 010/2011 the following devices are subject to EAC Certification:

According to TR CU 010/2011 the following devices are subject to the EAC Declaration:

According to TR CU 010/2011 no conformity assessment needed for:

  • woodworking machines for household use
  • off-road vehicles, snowmobiles, and their trailers
  • workshop equipment
  • agricultural machinery
  • small horticultural and forestry equipment
  • machines for livestock, poultry farming and feed production
  • mechanized tools
  • machines for forestry
  • equipment for trade and gastronomy
  • equipment for mining
  • mine transport machines
  • drilling rigs
  • equipment for ventilation of mines
  • hoists, lifting equipment
  • turbines and gas turbines
  • ventilation equipment
  • crushing plants
  • diesel generators
  • loaders
  • conveyor belts
  • electric pulleys
  • industrial vehicles without rails
  • cryogenic equipment, compressors, refrigerators, autogenous procedures, gas treatment
  • gas-powered equipment for metalworking and coating
  • gas cleaning systems and dust filters
  • oil production and exploration equipment
  • painting equipment
  • equipment for liquid ammonia
  • equipment for the treatment and purification of drinking water
  • metalworking machinery
  • woodworking machines for use outside of the household
  • welding equipment and equipment for gastotherapeutic treatment
  • industrial tractors
  • fork-lifts
  • bicycles
  • soilmovers
  • construction machinery and equipment
  • equipment for the building materials industry
  • industrial laundry machines
  • machinery and equipment for the utilities sector
  • industrial fans
  • industrial conditioners
  • air heater and air cooler
  • printing machines
  • boilers operated with liquid and solid fuels
  • water heaters and heating systems operated with liquid and solid fuels
  • industrial fittings
  • metalworking tools
  • milling, sawing and grinding tools
  • equipment for the light industry: textile, chemical, food and pulp and paper industries
  • telecommunication equipment
  • medical equipment
  • equipment for the car industry
  • complex means of transport
  • sea and high sea vessels
  • aerospace engineering
  • railway infrastructure
  • amusement attractions
  • weapons and weapon technology
  • equipment for disabled people
  • forestry and agricultural tractors and their trailers
  • drilling platforms

It should be noted that the products, regardless of whether or not they are subject to conformity assessment according to Technical Regulation TR CU 010/201, might also comply with other directives, such as TR CU 004/2011 On the safety of low-voltage equipment or TR CU 020/2011 On electromagnetic compatibility.

EAC marking

TR CU 010/2011 On safety of machinery and equipment

The products that have been confirmed to conform with the requirements of TR CU 010/2011 are marked with the EAC sign of the customs union. Placing a product on the market without corresponding marking can be punished with a fine or confiscation.

Period of validity of the EAC certificate

The certificate for serial production is valid for 5 years.

TR CU 010/2011 On safety of machinery and equipment in the Russian language

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