

аттестат аккредитации № RA.RU.11НА27,RA.RU.21НС54,RA.RU.21НУ14





TR EAEU 041/2017 On safety of chemicals
来源: | 作者:pmtef1337 | 发布时间: 2019-06-20 | 2755 次浏览 | 分享到:

The Technical Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union TR EAEU 041/2017 On safety of chemicals includes mandatory safety requirements for chemical substances, mixtures and other chemical products and their registration, evaluation, approval and marking. The new technical regulation is a counterpart to the European REACH Regulation and CLP Regulation.

According to the Technical Regulation, a uniform chemical register with the data on the chemical substances placed on the market is provided. The registration in the list of chemicals is a prerequisite for the issue of proof of conformity. The chemical substances are divided into 13 hazard categories: explosives, pressurized gases, combustion gases, self-reactive substances, self-heatable substances, water-reactive substances etc.

The safety of lubricants, oils and special fluids is subject to the Technical Regulation TR CU 030/2012 On safety of lubricants, oils and special fluids.

Adopted on March 3, 2017
Came into force on June 2, 2021

Application area

The Technical Regulation applies to:

  • organic synthetic products
  • acids, salts and bases
  • inorganic synthesis products
  • substances for the production of plastic, rubber, rubber, polymers, synthetic fibers
  • agricultural products - plant protection products, herbicides
  • paints
  • household chemicals
  • other chemical products

The conformity assessment process

The conformity assessment with the requirements of the technical regulation TR EAEU 041/2017 On safety of chemicals is carried out in the form of state registration either as a notification or as a permit. The permit procedure is applied to novel and potentially hazardous chemicals. Otherwise, the simple notification will suffice.

An SDS (Safety Data Sheet) must be issued by the manufacturer in order to place chemical products on the EAEU market.

EAC marking

TR EAEU 041/2017 On safety of chemicals title=

The products declared according to TR EAEU 041/2017 must be marked with the EAC marking before launch. The label shall be attached to each package and (or) label. The marking must take place in such a way that it is easily recognizable and readable throughout the period of use.

Validity period of the conformity assessment

The notification is valid for the entire period of use; the permit is valid for a maimum of 5 years.

TR EAEU 041/2017 On safety of chemicals in the Russian language

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