

аттестат аккредитации № RA.RU.11НА27,RA.RU.21НС54,RA.RU.21НУ14





TRСU 035/2014 On tobacco products
来源: | 作者:pmtef1337 | 发布时间: 2019-06-20 | 2022 次浏览 | 分享到:

According to the Technical Regulation of the customs union TR CU 035/2014 On tobacco products, cigarettes and other tobacco products are subject to mandatory safety requirements in the EAEU in order to protect the life, health and environment. In addition the rules were adopted to prevent misleading actions against the consumer. The Technical Regulation TR CU 035/2014 is intended to ensure the uniform application and enforcement of the requirements for tobacco products in the customs union. Furthermore it intends to ensure the free movement of goods.

Adopted on November 12, 2014
Came into force on May 15, 2016

The conformity assessment process

The conformity assessment according to the requirements of the Technical Regulation TR CU 035/2014 is carried out in the form of EAC Declaration.

EAC marking

TR СU 035/2014 On tobacco products

The products, which have been confirmed to conform with the requirements of TR CU 035/2014, are to be marked with a special EAC marking. The amrking must be made so that it is clearly visible and legible throughout the minimum durability. Placing products on the market without the corresponding marking can be punished with a fine or confiscation.

Period of validity of the EAC Declaration

The EAC Declarationfor tobacco products according to schemes 1D and 3D is valid for 3 years, 5 years according to Scheme 6D. For remaining tobacco products there is no period of validity.

TR ZU 035/2014 On tobacco products in the Russian language

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