

аттестат аккредитации № RA.RU.11НА27,RA.RU.21НС54,RA.RU.21НУ14





TR CU 027/2012 On safety of particular types of special foodstuff including dietic clinical and dietic protective nutrition
来源: | 作者:pmtef1337 | 发布时间: 2019-06-20 | 2341 次浏览 | 分享到:
TR CU 027/2012 On safety of particular types of special foodstuff including dietary, curative and preventative nutrition includes mandatory safety requirements for specialized food and the associated processes of manufacture, storage, transport and distribution on the market in the EAEU.

The Technical Regulation of the Customs Union TR CU 027/2012 On safety of particular types of special foodstuff including dietary, curative and preventative nutrition includes mandatory safety requirements for specialized food and the associated processes of manufacture, storage, transport and distribution on the market in the EAEU.

The TR CU 027/2012 should ensure the uniform application and enforcement of the requirements for specialized food in the territory of the customs union, as well as the free movement of goods.

Adopted on June 15, 2012
Came into force on July 1, 2013

Specialized food may only be placed on the EAEU market if they meet the requirements of this and other EAEU Technical Regulations, if the appropriate conditions are met and the conformity of the specialized food has been confirmed.

Application area of TR CU 027/2012

The Technical Regulation TR CU 027/2012 applies to the following specialized foods intended for distribution in the EAEU:

  • specialized food for athletes
  • specialized foods for pregnant and lactating women
  • dietetic foods
  • foods for medical and preventive nutrition including baby food

The TR CU 027/2012 does not apply to:

The Technical Regulation TR CU 027/2012 does not apply to the following food:

  • children's food, excluding food for medical and preventive nutrition for children
  • food prepared by catering companies
  • natural mineral water, medicinal and table water, medicinal mineral water mineralised with a salt content of more than 1 mg/dm3 or less than that but with a content of biologically active ingredients in a concentration which at the very least meet balneological standards
  • dietary supplements

The conformity assessment process

The conformity assessment with the requirements of the Technical Regulation TR CU 027/2012 takes place in the form of a state registration. The state registration is carried out on request and on the basis of the evidence provided by the applicant confirming the curative and preventive characteristics. The further assessment that enough is being done to meet the requirements of TR CU 027/2012 is made by the government supervisor.

Accompanying documents

The supporting documents for specialized food must be printed in the Russian language or in the official language of the member state of the customs union. The accompanying documents include:

  • test reports
  • data sheet
  • a copy of the certificate of conformity
  • a copy of the quality management system certificate
  • protocols of the manufacturing audit for serial production

EAC marking

TR CU 027/2012 On safety of particular types of special foodstuff including dietic clinical and dietic protective nutrition

Products that are confirmed to conform to TR CU 027/2012 must be marked with the EAC marking before release. The marking is to be attached to each package, the instructions for use or the special label of the specialized food. The marking must take place in such a way that it is easily recognizable and legible throughout the entire shelf life.

TR CU 027/2012 On safety of particular types of special foodstuff including dietic clinical and dietic protective nutrition in the Russian language

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