

аттестат аккредитации № RA.RU.11НА27,RA.RU.21НС54,RA.RU.21НУ14





俄罗斯工业安全鉴定结论-工业安全意见-俄罗斯工业安全知识-工业安全专业知识-Industrial Safety Certificate

俄罗斯工业安全鉴定结论-工业安全意见-俄罗斯工业安全知识-工业安全专业知识-Industrial Safety Certificate


也叫,Industrial Safety Certificate ,Conclusion of industrial safety expertise



也叫,Industrial Safety Certificate ,Conclusion of industrial safety expertise


也叫,Industrial Safety Certificate ,Conclusion of industrial safety expertise

 экспертизы промышленной безопасности


自愿性工业安全证书/工业安全结论-详细了解(俄罗斯工业安全证书俄罗斯工业安全鉴定结论/意见或俄罗斯工业安全知识或工业安全专业知识,也叫Conclusion of industrial safety expertise/ industrial safety certificate)


1) 、压力设备:压力超过0.07MPa,包括(蒸汽锅炉,蒸汽或燃气压力设备,蒸汽管道)或 热水温度超过115 摄氏度的(水锅炉,船舶,热水管道),热设备,热项目和供热网络、系统、仪表和保护的保护,报警及控制用的设备。 
4) 焊接设备:焊接,无损检测,堆焊,热处理及表面清理,有害场所使用的安装和维修的技术设备。 
5) 、I 类、II 类防爆电器和矿井电器设备。 
6) 采矿和开采及洗选设备:包括:黄金和钻石业专用设备,通风除尘设备,采矿的安装排雷设备,UPS 设备和矿山运输设备,打井设备,钻井,爆破设备和仪器仪表。 
7) 石油和天然气工业设备:包括用于生产井和深探井的钻井设备、钻机运输设备(运输整机、零部件、辅助工具、井下动力钻具)修井设备、压裂设备、油矿和地质勘探设备的工具。 
8) 地质及地球物理勘探设备 
9) 管线输送设备 
10) 在化工,石化,炼油及其他行业使用的设备和设施:有毒,侵略性和其他危险的环境中使 用的,包括电容,专栏,反应器,引擎,低温,真空,冷却,电解,传热过滤通风,干燥 和搅拌设备,火炉,保护系统和保护手段,报警及控制设备和其他设备。 
11) 蔬菜储存和加工危险技术装备。 
12) 有色金属冶金设备。 
13) 电炉和电感炉部件,电感加热装置:电弧炉和矿热炉,电阻炉和电阻加热设备,新类型加热器(熔炼和加热)。 
14) 铁矿冶炼设备。 
15) 呼吸器具:(绝缘呼吸器,救护车呼吸器),消除紧急情况下使用的气体监测仪器。 
16) 有害的工业场所使用的自动化设备:(控制装置和在监管过程中软件和技术的综合自动化 系统,机械和仪器测量机械及物理量,自动安全装置,煤气压力调节器,计数器)。 
17) 液体泵、真空泵,泵装置、空气压缩机、燃气压缩机。 
18) .燃气、易燃、有毒介质的储存罐车及储存罐。 
19) 管道及其管接头(钢铁,有色金属和合金,非金属材料)。 
20) 在危险场所使用的钢筋。 
21) 危险品交通运输设备。 
22) 金属结构件、支承件和保护罩。 
23) 气体回收设备,液体排放和污水处理设备。 
24) 爆炸材料和工业产品生产(制造)设备。


 2.准备文件数据包。客户必须提供所有必要的信息所有技术文档,否则无法完成工作。在这种情况下:它表明哪些对象需要接受检查,并提供有关它们的所有必要信息;要进行检查,组织必须收到一组文件(在每种具体情况下,文件包可能会根据要检查的对象而有所不同)。这可能包括设计图纸,工程文档,各种指令,技术法规等;如果客户有测试报告,任何证书,计算书 - 他们也可能是必要的;如有必要,可提供设备样品。



4.工业安全专业知识文件签发- 审查结束。这是整个活动的主要阶段。首先,专家委员会和进行检查的专家总结了所有获得的数据,并作出结论草案。在该文件中,组织依赖于发布主要结论(合格或不合格)。客户收到上述项目,作为回应可以签发他的意见/结论。为此提供了14天(从客户收到草稿的那一刻起)。如果在审查之后全部合格,可以签发工业安全专业知识意见。那么在这种情况下,该结论有效的那些对象列在文件中。在文件中还可能包含某些设备操作的附加条件。如果在执行安全和保安检查后发现有违规行为并且专家就不符合现有要求的问题得出结论,那么客户也会收到指示的文件。



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Industrial Safety Certificate 

Examination of industrial safety (ESP) - assessment of the compliance of the object of examination with the requirements and standards of safe operation specified in federal norms and rules of industrial safety, as well as other documents of the Russian Federation on industrial safety. The result of the industrial safety expertise is the conclusion of the industrial safety expertise, which is registered in the Rosternadzor safety expertise list. Our company conducts industrial safety expertise based on Rostekhnadzor License No. DE-00-015471 dated July 3, 2015.

Examination: from 7 days
Registration of examination conclusion: up to 8 days
What industrial safety reviews are carried out

As of 10/20/2015, in accordance with clause 1 of Article 13 of the Federal Law No. 116 “On Industrial Safety ...” dated July 21, 1997, the expert organization may conduct the following types of examinations:
1. examination of industrial safety technical devices;
2. examination of industrial safety of buildings and structures;
3. examination of industrial safety of project documentation;
4. industrial safety expertise of the industrial safety declaration;
5. examination of the safety justification of hazardous production facilities.
The circle of persons interested in the examination of industrial safety

Examination of industrial safety is a mandatory procedure, which is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 116 "On Industrial Safety ..." dated July 21, 1997 and federal industrial standards and rules in the field of industrial safety only at enterprises that are classified as hazardous production facilities from hazard class. At these hazardous production facilities, industrial safety examinations are subject to: technical devices, buildings and structures, project documentation, industrial safety declaration, safety justification.

Legislatively determined in what cases and under what circumstances the need arises to conduct an examination of industrial safety: an accident, detection of a defect, completion of the regulatory period of safe operation, a decision of the Rostechnadzor inspector, technical re-equipment of the facility, and others, according to industrial safety regulations.

The need for an examination of industrial safety is decided individually, in relation to each specific case.
Stages of industrial safety expertise

The examination of industrial safety is carried out by an organization licensed by Rostekhnadzor to conduct an examination of industrial safety, which is in no way affiliated with an organization that owns or operates a hazardous production facility. Examination of industrial safety is carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the examination of industrial safety" approved by the Order of Rostechnadzor No. 538 dated 11/14/13 and the Administrative Regulation of Rostechnadzor for the provision of state services for maintaining a register of industrial safety expertise conclusions by Rostechnadzor No. 266 of 06.23.2014 year
The stages of the examination of industrial safety:

1. Preparation for conducting an industrial safety expertise - expert organization requests documentation on the object of examination, in accordance with the current legislation, namely:
- data on the object of examination;
- design, engineering, operational, repair documentation;
- declaration of industrial safety of HIF (if the examination of the declaration is carried out);
- passports, certificates, process regulations, test reports and other documentation for technical devices.

IMPORTANT: The examination of industrial safety is possible only after the expert organization has received the necessary documents and materials. This requirement does not apply to those devices and buildings for which the operational documentation has been lost or destroyed.

2. Conduction of industrial safety expertise - at this stage, the completeness and accuracy of information about the object provided by the customer is determined, as well as its compliance with federal standards and industrial safety rules.

Examination of industrial safety in case of need to inspect equipment and buildings is carried out on-site. In the process of going to the site, experts conduct observations on the process of work of the object of examination; carry out technical diagnostics by the method of non-destructive or destructive testing.

3. Issuance of the EAF conclusion - the expert organization draws up a draft expert opinion on industrial safety, containing conclusions about the object of examination, which specifies the period of further safe operation of the object of examination (applicable to buildings, structures and technical devices) and establishes whether the object of examination meets the requirements of industrial security. A copy of the draft endorsement of the industrial safety expertise is transmitted to the customer, who, within 14 days of receiving the draft, can send comments to the expert organization.