

аттестат аккредитации № RA.RU.11НА27,RA.RU.21НС54,RA.RU.21НУ14





TRCU 019/2011 On safety of personal protective equipment
来源: | 作者:pmtef1337 | 发布时间: 2019-06-20 | 2253 次浏览 | 分享到:
The Technical Regulation of the Customs Union TR CU 019/2011 On safety of personal protective equipment includes mandatory safety requirements for personal protective equipment designed to protect the life, health and environment of its user and additionally prevent misleading actions towards the consumer. The safety of personal protective equipment refers to preventing impermissable effects on humans and the environment, which can be traced back to safety equipment (including the materials used in their production).

The Technical Regulation of the Customs Union TR CU 019/2011 On safety of personal protective equipment includes mandatory safety requirements for personal protective equipment designed to protect the life, health and environment of its user and additionally prevent misleading actions towards the consumer. The safety of personal protective equipment refers to preventing impermissable effects on humans and the environment, which can be traced back to safety equipment (including the materials used in their production).

Furthermore, the protection against harmful effects such as:

  • mechanical effects and general industrial pollution
  • harmful chemical effects
  • ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
  • effects of increased or reduced temperature
  • effects of electrical current, electric or electromagnetic fields
  • effects of biological origin (microorganisms, insects)
  • reduced visibility

The Technical Regulation TR CU 019/2011 is intended to ensure the uniform application and enforcement of the requirements for personal protective equipment on the territory of the customs union as well as the free movement of goods.

In accordance with the technical requirements of TR СU 019/2011, personal protective equipment must be designed and manufactured in such a way that, when used in accordance with the requirements, they always guarantee the following characteristics:

  • required level of health and safety against harmful factors
  • absence of unacceptable risks which could lead to dangerous situations
  • required level of protection of life and health against hazards that may arise during the implementation of personal protective equipment

The requirements for the development, manufacture, application, storage, transport, distribution and disposal of the personal protective equipment are not specified in the regulation. These are subject to the legislation of the member states.

Adopted on December 9, 2011
Came into force on June 1, 2012

Personal protective equipment may not be placed on the market in the EAEU until it complies with the requirements of this and other regulations of the customs union.

TR CU 019/2011 is a counterpart to Directive 89/656 /EEC on the minimum health and safety requirements for the use of personal protective equipment workers in the workplace.

Application area of TR CU 019/2011

The Technical Regulation TR CU 019/2011 applies to all types of personal protective equipment, regardless of their origin.
The rules of TR CU 019/2011 apply to the following:

  • personal protective equipment to protect against mechanical effects and general industrial pollution
  • personal protective equipment to protect against harmful chemical agents
  • personal protective equipment for protection against ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
  • personal protective equipment to protect against the effects of increased or reduced temperature
  • personal protective equipment to protect against the effects of electrical current, electrical or electromagnetic fields
  • special clothing for better visibility
  • means of complex individual protection
  • means of individual protection of the skin

The TR CU 019/2011 does not apply to:

  • means of personal protective equipment used in sporting competitions
  • personal protective equipment specially developed for fire brigades and disaster control
  • safeguards specially developed for the aerospace industry as well as for underwater work developed personal protective equipment
  • personal protective equipment specially developed for medical targets and microbiology
  • means of personal protective equipment which are intended solely as a model for trade fairs

The conformity assessment process

The conformity assessment with the requirements of the Technical Regulation TR CU 019/2011 On safety of personal protective equipment is carried out in the following forms:

  1. EAC Declaration
  2. EAC Certification

For the purposes of the conformity assessment, the means of personal protective equipment are classified according to the degree of danger it can cause, as follows:

  • Hazard class 1 - Simple means of personal protective equipment, which are subject to conditions with low risk of damage. These are subject to the declaration.
  • Hazard class 2 - Complexly designed personal protective equipment that protects against death and dangers which could lead to irreversible health damage to the user. These are subject to compulsory certification.

The EAC conformity assessment of personal protective equipment is carried out according to one of the three procedures, at the choice of the applicant: for the serial delivery, for one- time delivery and for serial production.

Accompanying documents

The supporting documents for personal protective equipment must be printed in Russian language or in the official language of the member state of the customs union. The accompanying documents include:

  • instruction manual
  • test reports
  • data sheet
  • a copy of the certificate of conformity
  • a copy of the quality management system certificate
  • protocols of the manufacturing audit for serial production

EAC marking

TR CU 019/2011 On safety of personal protective equipment

The products confirmed to conform to TR CU 019/2011 must be marked with the EAC marking before launch. The label shall be affixed either directly to the means of personal protective equipment or to the label which is tightly attached, as well as to the packaging and the instructions for use. In this case, the marking is to be made on the means of personal protective equipment so that this is easily recognizable and readable during the entire life cycle. In the case of protective equipment consisting of several parts, each component is to be marked.

Period of validity of the EAC certificate

The certificate for serial production is valid for 5 years.

TR CU 019/2011 On safety of personal protective equipment in the Russian language

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